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President Brahim Ghali strongly condemns the scorched earth policy in the occupied Sahrawi territories

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President Brahim Ghali strongly condemns the scorched earth policy in the occupied Sahrawi territories

Bir Lahlou (Sahrawi Republic), February 20, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. António Guterres, in which he expressed the Polisario Front’s strong condemnation of the Moroccan repression forces’ demolition and burning down many rural homes and huts owned by Sahrawi families in the occupied Sahrawi territories.

The President of the Republic and the Secretary-General of the Polisario Front stressed that this wave of escalation is another chapter of systematic state terrorism and the hideous scorched earth policy practiced by the Moroccan occupation state through confiscating lands, demolishing the homes of Sahrawis, burning their tents, destroying their livelihoods and property, killing their livestock, and turning them into refugees and displaced persons on their own land.

In conclusion, Mr. Brahim Ghali recalled the special legal and moral responsibility that the United Nations and its agencies bear towards the people of Western Sahara as a territory subject to a process of decolonization that has not yet been completed, calling on the Secretary-General of the UN to activate that responsibility, including through the establishment of an independent international mechanism to protect human rights in the territory where the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) continues to operate without any human rights monitoring capacity.