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EU Ambassador to Algeria visits Sahrawi refugee camps

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EU Ambassador to Algeria visits Sahrawi refugee camps

Wilaya of Dakhla, January 16, 2024 (SPS) - The European Union Ambassador to Algeria, Mr. Thomas Ackert, began a visit to Sahrawi refugee camps, during which he inspected the humanitarian situation of Sahrawi refugees.

The EU Ambassador to Algeria began his visit from the Wilaya of Dakhla, where he stressed that this visit constitutes a large part of the attention that the European Union pays to the Sahrawi refugees, who have been living in exceptional conditions for decades as a result of the Moroccan invasion of their country.

Mr. Thomas Ackert, who is accompanied by the President of the Sahrawi Red Crescent, Mr. Bouhabini Yahya Bouhabini, met with the governor of the Wilaya of Dakhla and the local authorities, where he was briefed on the situation of the Sahrawi refugees and the challenges they face.

The European Union Ambassador had a tour of the Wilaya’s facilities and educational institutions before holding a meeting with the youth of the Wilaya, with whom he reviewed aspects of life under refugeehood.