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ISACOM calls on Washington to respect will of Sahrawi people for self-determination, accelerate settlement of Sahrawi issue

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Occupied El Aaiun, 18 November 2021 (SPS) -   The Sahrawi Body against Moroccan Occupation (ISACOM) has called on the United States of America to expedite achieving a solution to the long-standing Sahrawi issue by respecting the will of the Sahrawi people to self-determination, renewing its continuity and adherence to peaceful resistance.
According to a statement issued by ISACOM on Friday, at the invitation of the Charge d'Affaires for the U.S. Embassy in Morocco, David Fisher, the latter met with the Sahrawi defender for human rights and the president of ISACOM, Aminatuo Haidar, and ISACOM members of the executive office, Lahcen Dalil, El Ghalia Djimi and Mina Baali.
During the meeting, ISACOM members reiterated their position demanding respect for the will of the Sahrawi people by enabling it to exercise its inalienable right to self-determination, freedom and independence, in accordance with the provisions of international law for decolonization.
The meeting also discussed the grave violations in the occupied parts of Western Sahara, which the Moroccan occupation regime commits systematically and continuously against Sahrawi civilians and journalists, as well as human rights defenders, especially members of ISACOM.
In this regard, ISACOM highlighted many cases, including the case of the human rights defender, member of ISACOM, Sultana Khaya, holding the international community and the United States of America responsible for the deteriorating humanitarian situation experienced by the militant and her family.