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France´s complicity with blocks Sahrawi issue at the UN

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Algiers, April 27, 2021 (SPS) - The president of the Algerian National Committee for Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS), Said Ayachi, denounced, on Monday, the "complicity" of France with Morocco in blocking the Saharawi issue at the UN, stating that UN political process has failed since the post of the Secretary-General's personal envoy became vacant.
"The main factor blocking the file at the UN level is France. France, a permanent member of the Security Council, protects Morocco and supports it in its colonization," said Said Ayachi during his appearance on Algerian radio Channel III.
Said Ayachi considered that the political process initiated by the United Nations is failing "which reflects the delay of both groups aggravated by the absence of a UN envoy who has been taking two years to be appointed," recalling the departure of several personal envoys. from the German Horst Kohler, all for being pressured.
"There is an evident complicity of a member of the Security Council, in this case France, who supports Morocco in its colonization and the timidity of the UN SG to move things forward," he said. SPS