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UN Human Rights Council: Western Sahara delegation sheds light on Moroccan abuses

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Geneva, 30 September 2022 (SPSA) - A Saharawi delegation attending the works of the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, in a series of meetings with the representatives of international delegations and organizations, shed light on the abuses committed by Moroccan authorities in the occupied Sahrawi territories, depriving Western Sahara people from their right to independence.
The meetings focused on "the latest developments of Western Sahara issue and the alarming situation of human rights in the occupied towns," after which the delegation "stressed the extremely serious violations committed by Moroccan occupation forces against the rights of the Saharawi demonstrators peacefully claiming Western Sahara people's right to self-determination".
In those meetings, the Saharawi delegation underlined the psychological and physical sufferings of Sahrawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails, giving details on the systematic policy of arbitrary displacement against them and the impact of such abhorrent practices on their families.
Sahrawi human rights activists and journalists are suffering from daily and various types of intimidation by Moroccan occupation authorities, said the delegation made up of civil society organisations, human rights activists and many personalities supporting the Sahrawi cause.