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Brahim Ghali: Morocco's latest provocations show failure of occupation policy

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Boujdour (Saharawi Refugee Camps), April 05, 2018 (SPS) - The president of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, said Tuesday Morocco's latest provocations show the failure of the occupiers' policy in all fields.
Speaking at a study day on agriculture held by the ministry of Economic Development, President Gali said "All Morocco's schemes have failed,".
Morocco, which has found itself isolated by the international community, cannot play for time, as the UN considers Western Sahara issue as a just cause and recognizes Saharawi people's legitimate rights to liberty and independence, he said.
 "Moroccan occupation authorities have been playing for time to undermine Western Sahara people's struggle, hoping for a change in African Union's position."
The president of the Saharawi Republic commended "the role played by Western Sahara people's allies, including Algeria."
Algeria's stance is a "position of principle, inspired from its national revolution (1954-1962)," and which includes "a support to all liberation movements worldwide," he said.
"The institutions of national sovereignty will be built on the liberated Saharawi territories."SPS