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Gdeim Izik case: Lawyers defending Sahrawi prisoners denounce "sham trial"

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Paris, March 09, 2017 (SPS) -The lawyers defending Sahrawi political prisoners, condemned by a Moroccan military tribunal, on Tuesday denounced a "sham trial", which will resume on next Monday in Rabat in a civil tribunal.  
Held by three French MPs, namely Noel Mamere, Jacqueline Frayse and François Asensi, and the Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT), the press conference of the lawyers of the 24 Sahrawi activities was an opportunity to explain the "difficulties" they face in the defence of these prisoners.
MP of Gironde (west of France) Noel Mamere said "we are facing an unfair trial," calling France to play its role and express its indignation.
For her part, MP of Hauts-de-Seine (Ile de France) Jacqueline Fraysse stressed on behalf of human rights "we must support Sahrawi prisoners for a fair trial."
"Lawyers and journalists must work in normal conditions," she claimed, stressing that the King of Morocco tries "to show a democracy," she stated.   
For her part, Representative of ACAT said Morocco rejected the decision of the AU Committee against torture two or three weeks ago.
"There is no support to Western Sahara France," she regretted. SPS