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SPLA targets Moroccan occupation forces in several sectors

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), 5 December 2021 (SPS) -Units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) targeted, on Saturday, the Moroccan occupation forces, by carrying out new attacks in the sectors of Hauza, Umdrega, Awsard and Mahbes, according to the military communiqué No. 387 of the Ministry of Defense.
According to the communiqué, the SPLA units targeted the occupation forces in the regions of Fadrat El Mours (Hauza sector), Tajalt El Talh (Umdrega sector), Astila Ould Boukerine (Awsard sector), Akrar El Atasa and Oudi Dhamrane (Mahbes sector).
Advanced SPLA detachments on Friday bombed the sites of the Moroccan occupation forces in the two sectors of El Beggari and Hauza and in the regions of Umdagan and Fadrat El Mours.
The offensives of the SPLA are continuing against the Moroccan occupation forces, which are suffering significant human and material losses all along the "wall of shame", the same source concluded.