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"The peace process in Western Sahara is at a decisive crossroads" (FP´ Representative at UN)

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Chahid El-Hafed, Oct 28, 2021 (SPS) - The Representative of the Frente POLISARIO at UN, Coordinator with MINURSO, Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, assured Thursday “the peace process in Western Sahara is at a decisive crossroads, noting the draft resolution presented by the United States, did not reflect the reality or the logic of the serious events on the ground, nor does it contain practical measures to address such events in order to advance the peace process”.
In an interview with the website “At-tahrir”, Dr. Sidi Omar said “UNSC must take urgent and serious measures to avoid a further escalation of the situation in the entire region, particularly in the content of its resolution that is expected to be adopted to renew the mandate of its mission in Western Sahara, MINURSO, with the aim of changing the usual way of dealing with the conflict and moving from inaction to seriousness, to avoid unpredictable consequences ”.
“The launch of any real, credible and sustainable peace process in Western Sahara depends entirely on the concrete steps that the Security Council wishes to take to address, firstly, the new situation on the ground, and secondly, settling the solid bases and guarantees that allow the Sahrawi people to exercise their inalienable and non-negotiable right to self-determination and independence of the Sahrawi people, concluded the Sahrawi official. SPS