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Spanish senators from the PP and PSOE criticize Pedro Sánchez inconsistent decision in Western Sahara

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Madrid, March 22, 2022 (SPS) - Political discontent with Pedro Sánchez's unilateral decision continues to grow. Although we had seen harsh criticism from Unidos Podemos, the Canary Coalition, PNV and other political groups in recent hours, the voices of the two main parties, the Popular Party and the PSOE, have charged against Sánchez, recalling that Morocco is not a reliable ally.
The socialist senator Javier de Lucas, secretary of Human Rights in the executive of the Valencian delegation of the party, has rejected Pedro Sánchez's change of position by supporting the Moroccan proposal on Western Sahara. "It is evident that there is a part of the socialist militancy and voters in Spain who live with enormous contradiction and pain what many interpret as a break with the Saharawi people," he told Europa Press, recalling the "very powerful ties" of the Spanish people with this community.SPS