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Swedish MPs urge government to speed up Western Sahara decolonization

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Stockholm, Dec 05, 2017 (SPS) - Swedish MPs urged their government to seize the seized the opportunity of their mandate as member of the UN Security Council to speed up the decolonization of Western Sahara and allow the Sahrawi people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence. They also called to stop the planned plundering of the country’s natural resources, in violation of all relevant European and international resolutions.
The Swedish press published a letter signed by four Swedish MPs from different political persuasions urging the government to use its mandate as a member of the UN Security Council to accelerate the decolonization of Western Sahara and allow the Saharawi people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.
As for the “difficult living conditions” in the Sahrawi refugee camps, the MPs stressed that international humanitarian aids, on which these refugees depend, were decreasing each year due to global migration flows and famine in the Horn of Africa.
The continuation of Sweden's humanitarian assistance to the Sahrawi people is "an important signal," stressed the MPs, who called on their government to intensify its efforts during its mandate (2017-2018) to allow Western Sahara be free and independent.
Besides, Swedish MPs have expressed concern over human rights violations in the occupied Saharawi territories, and denounced the fact that MINURSO was the only UN mission in the world without a mandate to monitor human rights.SPS