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Opening of academic year 2020-2021 amid exceptional health measures

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Shaheed Al-Hafed, 13 September 2020 (SPS) - Pupils and students have joined on Sunday schools in the Sahrawi refugee camps and liberated territories of the Sahrawi Republic, marking the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, amid special health measures imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic.
The opening process was observed by members of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, the Sahrawi government, and the educational authority, who gave general directions on the general situation marked this year by the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic that is sweeping the world.
The regional directorates of education in the wilayas had supervised on Saturday the distribution of pupils and students to their classes in the form of rotating groups, in implementation of the measures and procedures taken by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in order to ensure successful school entry and to preserve the health of pupils and students as well as the educational staff.
Under the exceptional circumstances of the spread of the Coronavirus, and in order to ensure schooling for pupils and students, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has taken some measures and procedures, including the cancellation of all programs that lead to the gathering of children (flag ceremonies, complementary activities) in addition to the compulsory wearing of masks while in educational institutions, washing hands with water and soap, and using alcohol sterilizers.
With regard to kindergartens, the Ministry decided to only receive the third group, apply the same previous measures and procedures, and distribute children into groups in all kindergarten rooms, with the adoption of the regular program of teaching. (SPS)