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Timor-Leste calls on the UN to speed-up the process for the decolonization of Western Sahara

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New York (United Nations) 25 September 2020 (SPS)- The President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, H.E. Mr. Francisco Gutteres Lu Olo, called on the UN to speed-up the process for the decolonization of Western Sahara, in his speech yesterday before the UN 75th General Assembly in New York.
This year, he recalled, “is the last year of the third international decade for the eradication of colonialism.. In Western Sahara, the United Nations Mission - MINURSO – has been in the territory for almost three decades, but we have not yet seen satisfactory progress.”
Therefore, he adds “it is urgent to appoint a Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Western Sahara in order to speed up the process of negotiations between the parties in conflict and find a solution that guarantees the Saharawi People the exercise of the right to self-determination, according to the United Nations Charter and other relevant Resolutions.” (SPS)
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