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Algeria on Africa Day: All manoeuvres “will fail in the face of the justice of the Saharawi cause”

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Algiers (Algeria) 27 May 2020 (SPS)- The Algerian Foreign Minister, Sabri Boukadoum, confirmed on Tuesday that all manoeuvres against the international efforts for peace in Western Sahara "will fail in the face of the justice of the Sahrawi people’s cause."
Mr. Boukadoum said that his country regrets "the failure to achieve the desired dynamic in the issue of Western Sahara, which has not yet reached settlement."
He added that the United Nations and the Security Council have been working for many years to implement the settlement plan for the Western Sahara issue based on the inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination, pointing out that it is “unfortunate to note that the UN peace process has been suffering from obstacles since the resignation of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General. ”
Mr. Boukadoum reiterated his call for "sincere efforts" in the search of a solution to the only remainin issue of decolonization in Africa, while affirming his condemnation of the desperate attempts "to impose a policy of fait accompli in flagrant violation of the African Union’s Constitutive Act and the United Nations doctrine in the field Decolonization.
Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs’ statement was made on the occasion of Africa Day (25 May), which marks the 57th Anniversary of the constitution the Organization of African Unity/African Union. He affirmed that Algeria "remains faithful" to the principles and noble goals of Pan Africanism through its "commitment to promoting peace and strengthening the abilities of our continent to take care of its own problems, and contributing to the process of integration in Africa. ”
He further recalled that the annual commemoration of Africa Day is an occasion to pay tribute to the founding fathers of the Pan African organization, and to all those who fought and are still fighting for the materialization of African integration. (SPS)
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