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CCOO dubs shameful the illegal fishing agreement between EU-Morocco

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Madrid, Feb 14, 2019 (SPS) – the Spanish Workers Commissions (CCOO) regretted that the European Parliament ignores the verdict of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the illegal exploitation of Saharawi natural resources.
In this way, CCOO joins the movement of solidarity with the Saharawi people to ask for rectification of the effects of this shameful agreement that once again means a new attempt to broaden agreements that include products and other goods from Western Sahara.
The Workers Commissions organization highlights that the illegal agreement "represents a new looting of the region's natural resources and the continuity of the destruction of jobs for the Saharawi population, subjected to an occupation that has lasted more than four decades."
"International law does not recognize any Moroccan sovereignty or jurisdiction over the territory of Western Sahara, nor does it consider Morocco as the administering power of this territory. Therefore, the agreements signed with Morocco are not extendable to Western Sahara. This is confirmed, among other international norms and resolutions, by the Charter of the United Nations (chapter 73), the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Western Sahara in 1975 or the opinion of the UN of 2002 ", adds CCOO.
Referring to the responsibility of Spain as the administering power of Western Sahara, CCOO points out that the vote of the European Parliament also coincides with the visit that the King and Queen of Spain made to Morocco on 13 and 14 February, accompanied by five ministers, among others. Foreign, Interior, Agriculture and Trade that will sign political agreements with their Moroccan counterparts.SPS