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President of the Republic calls on UN to pressure Morocco to stop its illegal activities in Western Sahara

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic), August 18, 2021 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, appealed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Gueteres, to intervene in order to put an end to all the illegal activities carried out by Morocco in the occupied areas of Western Sahara, including the elections that Rabat intends to organize in the territory next month.
In a letter sent to the UN Secretary General, a copy of  which obtained by SPS , the President of the Republic “described all the practices and measures exercised by Morocco in Western Sahara as mere colonial and illegal activities, which do not influence no way in the legal status of Western Sahara as a non-autonomous territory, pending decolonization, as stipulated by international legality ”.
“The holding of elections in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, over which Morocco does not have sovereignty, is a practice that we flatly reject because it seeks to involve Sahrawi citizens by force in a process that does not concern them, a process organized by a Illegal military occupation that has a long history of serious violations of the most basic human rights of the Saharawi people, ”the letter states.
“For more than three decades, we have maintained our commitment to a peaceful solution and we have exercised the utmost restraint to maintain the ceasefire, despite the constant provocations and destabilizing actions of the occupying Moroccan state and its continuous attempts to impose a fait accompli. by force in the occupied areas of Western Sahara ”, the letter continues. However, “due to the absence of a strong, clear and firm position on the part of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, since last November 13, 2020, the territory of Western Sahara has been experiencing serious events due to the Moroccan violation of the 1991 ceasefire and related military agreements, as well as its aggression against the liberated areas of Western Sahara, leading to the collapse of the ceasefire and the outbreak of war again in the region ”Says President Gali.
“This inaction and silence of the United Nations in the face of the continued illegal Moroccan military occupation of parts of Western Sahara, is what encourages the occupying power, Morocco, to persist in its illegal and reckless actions that could have serious consequences for peace, security and stability throughout the region, ”the letter states.
"We therefore ask that you intervene immediately and take all necessary measures, in accordance with the authority granted to you by the Charter of the United Nations and the relevant UN resolutions, in order to put pressure on the occupying State of Morocco to cease its illegal and provocative actions in the occupied areas of Western Sahara and preserve the legal status of the territory, as an essential part of the responsibility of UN towards Western Sahara and the process of decolonization of the last colony in Africa ”, Concludes the President in his letter. SPS