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Human Rights in Sahrawi occupied territories: Polisario Front warns against "deplorable situation"

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Geneva, 29 March 2021 (SPS) - Oumeima Mahmoud Abdessalem, the Polisario Front representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council (CDH) and international organizations in Geneva, called for urgent intervention of the international community and Human Rights organizations to put an end to the deplorable and dangerous human rights situation in Western Sahara occupied territories.
During the debate, the Sahrawi cause has been addressed by delegates to countries and organizations supporting the Sahrawi people, Oumeima Abdessalem told the SH24H site on Sunday.
All the delegates "emphasized the need to lift the blockade imposed on the occupied territory of Western Sahara, to protect the Sahrawis from the tyranny of the Moroccan occupation, to release the detainees and to end the plunder of resources," the Sahrawi official added.
The speakers were unanimous in emphasizing the need for international organizations to take urgent measures against these Moroccan violations, in accordance with their commitments under international law, she added.
Oumeima Abdessalem recalled "the strong positions" of these countries which condemn the repressive practices of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara and call for the establishment of a human rights monitoring mechanism and for the implementation the program of technical missions. (SPS)