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Sahrawi Republic participates in the expert meeting of AU Specialized Committee on Finance and Economic Planning

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Windhoek (Namibia), October 26, 2022 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic is participating in the experts meeting of the African Union Specialized Committee on Finance and Economic Planning, which is hosted by the Namibian capital, Windhoek, from 24 to 27 October.
The Sahrawi Republic is represented in this meeting by the official at the Delegated Ministry of Economic Affairs, Mr. Salek Amhamed Al-Mustafa.
The meeting discussed presentations related to international and national policies dedicated to combating climate change, and how to strengthen the member states of the African Union to access and manage international and national climate finance within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change system to ensure that the challenges of climate change are addressed at the international and national levels.
It also discussed the possibility of integrating climate into the national adaptation plans and budgets of African countries, and the need to develop long-term development strategies for low greenhouse gas emissions.
The participants were elaborated in an overview of climate finance and green climate finance by representative of the Associate of the Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN).
It should be noted that the workshops on climate finance are taking place on the sidelines of the 10th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa, which is organized under the CLIMDEV program in cooperation with the African Development Bank (AFDB), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA). ) .
The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Finance and Energy of the State of Namibia, in addition to the heads of the banks financing the program