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20th edition of the Sahara marathon: message of peace and means of struggle for the Sahrawi cause (Minister of Youth and Sports)

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Smara (Sahrawi refugee camps), Feb 25, 2020 (SPS) -The Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Mussa Selma uderlined that the 20th edition of the Sahara marathon constitutes a message of peace and means of struggle for the Saharawi cause.
According to Minister of Youth and Sports, the 20th edition of the Sahara marathon shows that this marathon "is starting to bear fruit in view of the scale and quality of this participation", noting that this event aims to raise awareness of public opinion for the cause of the Saharawi people and their legitimate struggle.
This edition is an opportunity for foreign participants to pay a visit to the Sahrawi population and learn about their living conditions and their suffering, added the Minister of Youth and Sports.
The Sahrawi official underlined that the marathon aimed to encourage local sport and train young Sahrawis in this discipline with regard to the human and social values ​​that it conveys.
He added that the 20th edition of the Marathon "conveys a message from the Saharawi people to the whole world, informing them that we are a peaceful people who fight by civilized means unlike the occupier who never stopped violating the human rights and present a horrifying image of repression and torture to the world. "
"Sport is an act of good citizenship which has always made it possible to cross all borders and make the just causes triumph".
"The marathon is an exceptional sporting event owing to the fact that it is the only marathon in the world organized in the refugee camps. The editions of this demonstration know an ever increasing participation exceeding this year the 450 runners of the five continents including athletes having won titles in international competitions ".SPS