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African Union stresses support to Western Sahara people's self-determination

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Kigali (Rwanda), July 18, 2016 (SPS) - The 27th ordinary session of African Union Heads of State and Government reiterated Sunday in Kigali, Rwanda, its unfailing support to Western Sahara people's right to self-determination.
"African Union reiterates its support to Saharawi people and their right to self-determination," AU Commission chairwoman Dlamini-Zuma said in an opening address at the African Union Summit.
"We seize this opportunity to send again our condolences to our people of the Arab Saharawi Democratic Republic (SADR) and pay tribute to the late Saharawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz".
AU heads of State and Government observed a minute's silence in the memory of the late president at the Summit's opening.
Zuma, in addition, greeted the new Saharawi president, Ibrahim Ghali. (SPS)