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Minister of Defence informs MINURSO on deployment of Sahrawi military forces in Alguergarat , south-western Western Sahara

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Zones), August 29, 2016 (SPS) - Minister of National Defence Abdallahi Lehbib Belal informed, in a letter Sunday, MINURSO Chief of Staff and Acting Commander Bokom Oumar, that as of the morning of August 28th, he has deployed military forces in the area of Alguergarat, south-western Western Sahara, to prevent further Moroccan activities beyond the Berm.
Following is the full text of the letter:
‘‘Dear BokomOumar
MINURSO Chief of Staff
Acting Commander
El-Aiun, Western Sahara
BirLehlou: August 28, 2016
In reference to your letter dated 25 of August, 2016, I have the honor to inform you on the following:
1- At the outset of the tension arousing from this kind of situation, we were fully aware of the seriousness of its implications with regard to the maintaining of the existing cease fire between the two parties to the conflict, the PLISARIO Front and the Kingdom of Morocco which has been reinforced by the Military Agreement number 1.
2- It was in this context that H.E. MrBrahimGhali Secretary General of POLISARIO Front and President of SADR  has sent an urgent letter on August 15th, 2016 to H.E Ban Kin Moon, the UN Secretary General, urging him to put an immediate end to the dangerous decision of the Kingdom of Morocco to violate the very terms of the Military Agreement N1 by instructing his military forces on August 11 to invade the area known as Gargarat, which is, as you know well , beyond the Berm, and to conduct operations and activities aiming to create a new realities on the ground  and thus altering the situation prevailing at the time of cease fire.
3- Due to the seriousness of the situation senior officials of my Department and me personally have had series of meetings with MINURSO to draw their attention on the gravity of the situation resulting from Morocco's persistent activities which were documented by tangible proofs given to your office and your principals.
4- MINURSO delayed attempts to deal with these developments, and the unfortunate first report of MINURSO regarding those developments, reflected  in the statement of the UN Spokes Person Farhan Haq on August 18th, did nothing but encouraging Morocco to go ahead further in the execution of her premeditated plans.
5- Two days ago, on the August 26th, the UN Security Council was briefed by DPKO recognizing finally that Morocco's activities in Gargarat constitute a violation of the Military Agreement Number 1.
6- Nevertheless I regret that despite all this and your letter to both parties on August 25th, Morocco did not hear the call of MINURSO. Furthermore, Morocco made public its objective to build an asphalted road in the said area beyond the Berm in direction of the international southern borders of Western Sahara.
7- As a result of this situation I want to inform you that, as of the morning of August 28th, 2016, I have deployed military forces to the area to prevent further Moroccan activities beyond the Berm, including the asphalted road it has started to build,with the aim to modifying the situation ante.
8- It is only by exerting the appropriate pressure on the Kingdom of Morocco to fully respect the Military Agreement Number 1, and to immediately end her activities, that the tension thus created would decrease, so as the two parties and the UN could contribute to the maintaining of the cease fire and consequently enhancing the faith in the UN led peace process.
High considerations
Minister of Defense’’ (SPS)