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President Ghali chairs meeting of the Council of Ministers

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Shahid al-Hafed, April 19, 2023 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, the Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, chaired meeting of the Council of Ministers, at the Presidency of the Republic.
The President Brahim Ghali said, in his opening speech that the meeting, which is the first after the 16th Congress of the Polisario Front and the completion of the installation of constitutional bodies, is being held in a distinct and sensitive circumstance marked by the continuation of the intense confrontation with the Moroccan occupation at all levels.
At the military the level - added President Ghali - the shelling continues on a daily basis, causing panic and confusion among the Moroccan occupation soldiers stationed along the wall of humiliation and shame, stressing that this situation requires more efforts to break the blockade imposed on the region.
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Internationally, continued Brahim Ghali, the Sahrawi issue is achieving many regional and international gains, thanks to the steadfastness, challenge and will of the Saharawi people.
At the National level, President Brahim Ghali praised the efforts made to ensure the regularity of services to the citizens in various fields, calling, by the way, officials in various sectors to get closer to the citizens, listen to their concerns and find possible solutions for them as soon as possible.
The Council of Ministers also discussed the government program that will be presented to the National Council in its next session, in addition to presenting a comprehensive briefing on the current situation in the Sahrawi issue at the regional and international levels, in addition to other issues.
SPS 110/T