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Speaker of National Council congratulates his Ugandan counterpart on her election

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Bir Lehlou (refugee camps) May 30, 2011 (SPS) - The Speaker of the National Council, Mr. Khatri Adduh, sent Monday a letter of congratulation to his Ugandan counterpart, Ms. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, on her election as speaker of the Ugandan Parliament.

In a letter reached SPS, the Speaker of the Saharawi National Council expressed his “profound appreciation” for the firm position of the Ugandan parliament towards the struggle of the Saharawi people for self determination and independence.

He also reiterated strong resolve to further consolidate ties of friendship and cooperation existing between the two institutions and brotherly peoples.

Following is the complete text of the letter:

“Madam Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga

Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda


Bir-Lehlou, 30th May 2011

Dear Madam,

On the occasion of your election as Speaker of the Parliament of the brotherly Republic of Uganda, I would like to address this letter, on behalf of Sahrawi National Council, to express to you our most sincere congratulations for having won the confidence of the Ugandan voters and their representatives, and to wish you much success in discharging your new mission.

We would like to express our profound appreciation for the firm position of your parliament vis-à-vis the struggle that leads the Sahrawi people to their right to self determination and independence.
We would also like to renew to you, Madam Speaker, our strong resolve to further consolidate ties of friendship and cooperation existing between our two institutions and brotherly peoples.

Please accept, Madam Speaker, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Khatri ADDUH

Speaker of Saharawi National Council.” (SPS)

089/090 301611 MAY 11 SPS