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Six Saharawis in serious condition after 57 days of hunger strike in Moroccan prison of Goulimime

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Goulimime(south Morocco) June 12, 2011 (SPS) Six  Saharawi political prisoners in hunger strike  for 57 days in Goulimine prison (southern Morocco) are in a “critical” state of health because of a hunger strike they had started  since April 12, 2011, to protest against political marginalization perpetrated by Morocco on  the Saharawis and the  illegal plundering of natural resources of Western Sahara, said a Saharawi judicial source.

They are: Bariaz Mohamed (35 years), Ddriss Zagara (27 years), Oumar Eddaoudi (25 years), Ahachhach Mohamed (24 years), Abrahim Rafiki, (24 years), and Mokhtar Lachhab, (22 years), added the source.

“At Sunday afternoon three of them have suffered heavy losses of consciousness and were transported in a coma to the regional hospital and three others have also suffered from the hunger strike," the source added.

 The families of the young Saharawi hunger strikers called on international human rights organizations in order to "intervene immediately to save lives of their sons before it's too late." (SPS)
