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Special envoy of president of Republic received by president of East Timor

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Deli, September16, 2011(SPS) the  Minister counselor and   special envoy of President Mohamed Abdelaziz   ,Mr. Maulainin Sedik , received Thursday evening at the  capital of East Timor by the Nobel peace prize winner and  President of East Timor , Jose Ramos Aorta

The meeting focused on the latest developments of the Saharawi cause, the last informal negotiations between Polisario and Morocco, the serious situation of human rights in the occupied part the Saharawi Republic by Morocco and common interested issues, according to the Saharawi embassy in Deli.   

In this meeting the President Ramos confirmed unwavering position of his government and people in supporting the just struggle of the Saharawi people, considering that the “Saharawi Republic is a reality and Morocco has to deal realistically with this Republic”

“Morocco has to withdraw from the occupied Western Sahara without hesitation which will contribute not only in stability and development of the region but also in saving the royal thrown of the Moroccan kingdom” he said.

 The Special envoy of the President, thanked the republic of east Timor on its position, presenting invitation from President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, to his counterpart of east Timor to attend the next congress of the Polisario Front to be held in the middle of December in the liberated territory of Western Sahara.” (SPS)
