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Polisario Front seizes UN on "incongruity" of candidacy of Morocco to Security Council

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New York (United Nations), October 18, 2011 (SPS) -  The Polisario Front seized the Permanent Representatives of States to the United Nations on the "incongruity" of the application submitted by Morocco to be a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.


The election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council for the period 2012-2013 is scheduled for next Friday, in which two seats must be awarded to African as a replacement of Nigeria and Gabon whose term has expired.


In a letter to the ambassadors of States to the United Nations, the Polisario Front  Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Bukhari Ahmed,  undelined that by presenting itself  as one of the African candidates to the Security Council, "Morocco challenge the decision taken unanimously by the Summit of Heads of State of the African Union in June in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea), which endorsed the candidacies of Mauritania and Togo "for the two vacancies reserved for African countries in the decision-making body of the UN.


Furthermore, Mr. Bukhari argued, "Morocco is no longer a member of the African Union since 1984, and it would not be wise to recognize the obstinacy that country demonstrated against the decisions of the AU ".


Mr. Bukhari further argued, " the Polisario Front and Morocco are the two parties to the conflict of Western Sahara, which is on the agenda of the Security Council."


The representative of the Polisario Front strongly emphasized, the 3437 and 3519 resolutions of the UN General Assembly recognized, "Morocco has illegally occupied Western Sahara," where it maintains, "a policy of violation of human rights attested by credible international organizations."


"In spite of the past and current efforts of United Nations to obtain a real process of self-determination for the Western Sahara, no significant results have yet been reached because of obstructions of such efforts by Morocco," he lamented.


Based on all these facts, the Polisario Front considers it would be "unjust and deeply damaging to the credibility of the Security Council that an imbalance is created due to the presence of either party (to the conflict) within the Council, especially in moments of impasse and uncertainty facing the peace process of the UN ".


In this sense, Mr. Bukhari expressed his hope that all member states of the United Nations "carefully consider the implications of such a scenario on the prospects of achieving a peaceful settlement in Western Sahara, as well as peace and security in the Maghreb region as a whole."


It should be emphasized that the UN fourth Committee responsible for decolonization has recently adopted a resolution that reaffirms the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.


This resolution clearly noted that it supported the negotiation process supported by the resolutions of the Security Council "in order to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution that allows the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara".


The Security Council consists of 15 members including five permanent members (China, USA, Russia, France and the United Kingdom) and 10 members elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years. (SPS)

