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The 2nd international conference on peoples’ right to resistance opens its works in Algiers

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Algiers, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The 2nd international conference on the peoples’ right to resistance: cases of the Sahrawi people opened its works Saturday with the participation of 1200 delegates from 35 nationalities and distinct media presence.

In his inaugurating speech, the President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with Sahrawi People (CNASPS), Mr. Mahrez Lamari, considered the conference as an opportunity for the Algerian civil society to shed light on the peoples’ right to freedom and independence.

Mr. Mahrez Lamari reaffirmed the Algerian firm position towards the Saharawi cause, pointing out that the holding of this conference “is a clear evidence of the Algerian people will to see the Saharawi people obtaining their full independence.”

The speakers in the opening ceremony expressed their desire that the Sahrawi people will obtain its freedom and independence, calling on the international organs, such as the UN and international parties, to find solution to the conflict which lasted more than three decades.

A number of lectures have been presented in opening day like: the United Nations, non-application of the Article 1514 and the recommendations of the Security Council by the Professor Mohandin Berkok, “repeated attacks on human rights in Western Sahara” by Boujamaa Swailah.

It will also mark by the presentation of other lectures under the themes “the looting of natural recourses in occupied Western Sahara” by the Professor Pedro Pinto Leite, “lack of humanitarian aids of the Saharawi refugees” by the President of the Saharawi Red Crescent.

The participants will settle up a tent at Tifariti Yard ( Algiers) as an indication to the Saharawi identity as to take part in ceremony organized on the occasion of renewing a twinning agreement between the Wilaya of El Aaiun and Municipality of Central Algiers.

According to its agenda, the Conference is being held in the Algerian capital on Oct 29-30, 2011 and is attended by the President of the Republic and the Secretary General of the Polisario front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, Minister of foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek as well as members of national secretariat and parliamentarians. (SPS)
