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sensibilization days on Western Sahara conflict in Badajoz

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Badajoz (Spain), Nov 22, 2011(SPS)- the Spanish International Association for the Observation of Human Rights (AIODH) organizes sensibilization days concerning the Western Sahara conflict in November 22-30 at the University of Badajoz, according to a statement of the association.


Debates, roundtables and workshops on issues related to the conflict of Western Sahara as the role of international observers in the occupied territories and Morocco, Western Sahara conflict and international law: 35 years of contradictions, the documentary "El Problema” by Paul Vidal and Jordi Ferrer as well as workshops related to Saharawi culture, the source indicated.


Presentations and discussions will be presented by Dr. Miguel Andrés Marín García, international observer and Dr. John Soroeta Liceras, Professor of International Law at the University of the Basque Country.


The purpose of the sensibilization days is to remind Spanish people about the conflict of Western Sahara,  the association idicated, adding that a Sahrawi khaima will be installed at the Faculty of Education ,University of Badajoz.