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Demonstrations in Madrid against the plundering of Western Sahara natural resources

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Madrid, Jan 22, 2012 (SPS) - Association of the Saharawi Students in Madrid, Spain, launched Saturday a large-scale campaign against the systematic and continuous looting of the natural resources of Western Sahara.

The campaign initiated with the organization of the first protest sit-in at Puerta Del Sol Square in the heart of the capital Madrid.

The campaign, which is attended by representatives of the solidarity movement with the Saharawi people, Spanish university students and Saharawi students, aims to raise awareness about the dangers of looting of the natural resources not only on the Saharawi man but also on the environment and animal resources of Western Sahara.

The sit-in has been accompanied by similar demonstrations against the looting of Western Sahara natural resources in the cities of Vitoria, Valencia, Gijón, Lanzarote and Santander.

The demonstrators praised the EU’s decision to reject the renewal of the fishing agreement with Moroccan Kingdom. (SPS)
