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Saharawi organizations denounce Moroccan attempts to cover its violations on the Saharawis

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Feb 13, 2012 (SPS) - Saharawi human rights and trade unions organizations have denounced the misleading conference organized by what so-called the Moroccan Council of Human Rights, which aims to “turn away the public attention of the serious violations of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and southern Morocco,” in a statement received Monday by SPS.

The statement denounced repressive acts perpetuated against the Saharawi protestors, especially against those who were protesting the holding of the conference, and disregard of the Moroccan state to the demands of Martyr Said Dambar’s family.

NGOs have also expressed their determination to pursue all forms of the peaceful resistance to achieve the legitimate rights of the Saharawi people, reiterating their full and unconditional solidarity with all the Saharawi political prisoners, which are still languishing in the Moroccan prisons jails.

They deplored the Conference’s ignoring to any of the pending demands of Saharawi victims, denouncing in the same regard the systematic exclusion to these demands.

NGOs who signed the statement are: Coordination of Gdeim Izik, Committee for the Defense of Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara (CODAPSO), Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA), Committee for UN Settlement Plan and Protection of Natural Resources of Western Sahara (CSPRON), victims of the enforced disappearance and arbitrary detention, Forum of the Sahrawi Women, Committee of the Detainees in an Individual Cases and Sporadic Groups, Committee of the Saharawis abducted and disappeared and Committee of the 15 Saharawi missings. (SPS)
