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President of Republic calls on Ban Ki-moon to immediately intervene for release of the six Saharawi students

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Feb 19, 2012 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has appealed to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to “immediately intervene” for the Moroccan state in order to release the six Saharawi students, who have been incarcerated in Sale 2’s jail since April 2011 on the ground of their participation in sit-ins denouncing the assassination of the Saharawi student Hbad Hamadi.

“Their condition, which is increasingly deteriorated and seriously threatens their physical and psychological safety, urges your immediate intervention for the Moroccan state to accelerating their release, along with Yahia Mohamed Hafed and more than eighty Saharawi political prisoner as to stop from exposing them to ill-treatment practices and enjoying their full rights as prisoners of conscience,” wrote President of the Republic to Mr. Ban Ki-moon, in a letter sent Saturday.

The President Mohamed Abdelaziz deplored the “gross disregard” by the Moroccan authorities to clear and just demands, calling the attention of Ban Ki-moon and through him the international community to the deteriorating situation of the political detainees students “in a way that threaten to dreadful consequences, in the light of denying them from the right to have the daily medical treatment guaranteed by the international conventions for the hunger-strikers as well as refraining of the prison administration to provide them the medical aid.”

“The international community should not stand idle before the gross violations of human rights, documented by the prominent organizations, committed by Moroccan Government against the defenseless Saharawi citizens,” adding “its immediate intervention, seriously and unprecedented, in other parts of the world, will turn, unfortunately, to a double standard affecting credibility of the United Nations.”

Secretary General of the Polisario Front reiterated his call to exert the necessary pressure and sanctions on the Moroccan occupation authorities to immediately cease these repressive and brutal practices, stop looting the Saharawi natural resources, reveal the whereabouts of more than 651 Saharawi disappeared, remove its separated military wall and stop obstructing the self-determination referendum of the Saharawi people. (SPS)
