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Rabat recklessly acts in absence of UN effective mechanism to monitor human rights in Western Sahara (President Mohamed Abdelaziz)

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), April 29, 2012 (SPS) - “Rabat still deals with the violations of human rights in the Saharawi occupied territories with disregard and recklessness in the absence of a UN effective mechanism to monitor human rights in a territory, which is under direct responsibility of the UN pending the decolonization,” underlined the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, in a letter sent Saturday to the UN Chief Ban Ki-noon.

“Despite all the reports documented by international specialized organizations and in spite of all what came in your report presented to the Security Council and even the resolution of Security Council on the Moroccan state gross violation of Saharawi human rights, Moroccan government still deals with disregard and recklessness in the absence of UN effective mechanism to protect the population of a Territory under direct responsibility of the UN, which pending the decolonization and self-determination,” reads the letter.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz pointed to a new Moroccan repressive and brutal intervention on Saharawi civilians in the Saharawi occupied territories, simply after their expressed attachment to defend their legitimate rights guaranteed by the Charter and resolutions of the United Nations, particularly the right to self-determination and independence, and demanded the release of all the Saharawi prisoners imprisoned after the dismantling of Gdeim izik on November 8, 2010 and all other Saharawi political prisoners.

Saharawi President asked the UN “to assume full responsibility in the protection of the defenseless Saharawi citizens as to accelerate the establishment of a UN mechanism enabling the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to protect, monitor and report about human rights in the Territory.”

“We urge you to urgently intervene to halt these violations resulted from an illegal and unethical status, mainly an illegitimate Moroccan military occupation which militarily and security besieging Western Sahara, prevent the access of international observers and journalists, divides the Saharawi territory and people by terrible military wall, a crime against humanity, and plunders the Saharawi wealth in the silence and blatant complicity from international, which call for the protection of human rights in other parts of the world,” wrote Secretary General of POLISARIO in his letter to Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

He underlined that such practices “do not serve at all the good efforts overseen by the UN and led by Personal Envoy of UN Secretary General, Ambassador Christopher Ross, to complete the decolonization of Western Sahara,” adding these practices recalls “your urgent intervention to stop it and release Yahya Mohamed el Hafed Ayiza and all Saharawi political prisoners as to reveal the fate of 651 Saharawi missings at the hand of Moroccan state.”

It note worthy that the Moroccan occupation forces violently intervened Thursday against a peaceful sit-in organized by Gdeim Izik Coordination, leaving more than 40 injuries of varying severity among the peaceful demonstrators. (SPS)
