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Rabat decision to withdraw confidence from Ross… unacceptable abuse and challenge to international community (communiqué)

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), May 18, 2012 (SPS) - The Frente Polisario and government of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) described Rabat decision to withdraw confidence from UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross, as "an arbitrary decision and a challenge to the international community."

The Polisario Front and government of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic considers Morocco’s decision to withdraw confidence from the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Christopher Ross, to continue his mission, entrusted by the UN Secretary-General and Security Council, to find a just and lasting solution to the conflict in Western Sahara that ensures the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination without as “an arbitrary decision and has no basis.”

“This decision, in addition to its severe and unjustified gravity, is a new unbearable and unacceptable challenge by Morocco to international community, Secretary General of the United Nations and Security Council, which described in its resolution 2044 on April 24, 2012 the status quo as the unacceptable, stressing its support for the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross, and to his efforts aiming to facilitate the process of negotiation between the parties to the conflict,” stated a statement issued Friday by the Saharawi Ministry of Information in response to Morocco’s decision to withdraw confidence from the UN Envoy in Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross.

The communiqué noted that Rabat aims through this decision to “undermine the efforts of settlement and reduce credibility of MINURSO that operates in the region, in light of the ongoing Moroccan violations of human rights and in the absence of a mechanism to monitor human rights and report about it.

“In doing so, Morocco wants to shamelessly assume itself the right to dictate to the Secretary General the content of its reports to the Security Council and deciding what action to be followed by his Personal Envoy for Western Sahara. As it wants to reduce the credibility and neutrality of MINURSO mission, criticized the Secretary-General’s latest report, block the peace process and continue to violate with impunity the human rights in the Saharawi occupied territories,” added the communiqué.

The Polisario Front and SADR government, while renewing their will to continue the cooperation and support to the efforts made by the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy, Mr. Christopher Ross, to complete the process of decolonization in Western Sahara, launching an urgent appeal to the Security Council to take the necessary decisions and measures to safeguard and protect authority of the United Nations and the credibility of its work for peace in Western Sahara in the face of what might follow it from the drifts and consequences caused by the strategy of headlong and escape forward pursued by Morocco. (SPS)
