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Artistic Director of dOCUMENTA 13 Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev officially invited to ARTifariti 2012

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Kassel (Germany), June 11, 2012 (SPS) - The Minister of Culture of the Sahatawi Republic, Ms. Khadija Hamdi, has officially invited Ms. Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, the Artistic Director of dOCUMENTA 13, to the sixth edition of ARTifariti.

Ms. Khadija Hamdi announced the invitation to the media during a ceremony held in Kassel in a tent set up by Robin Kahn and Saharawi women, also attended by the Saharawi culture minister, curator of the International Art Encounters in the Western Sahara liberated Territories (known as ARTifariti) Isidro López-Aparicio, President of the Association of Friendship with the Saharawi people of Seville Artifariti and executive producer of ARTifariti Mr. Fernando Peraita, according to a statement from the organizers of the 6th edition of ARTifariti.

The ceremony began with the presentation by the curator of ARTifariti 2012, Isidro López-Aparicio, who gave the Saharawi Minister a copy of “Freedom Papers”, the work which Miquel Barcelo made for this edition.

The intervention of the American visual artist Kahn was one of the projects with greater impact on the Documenta 13, activated by numerous and frequent visits of international journalists, artists and curators and general public, the statement pointed out.

Kahn’s link with the Saharawi women traced back to 2009, when she was invited to the third edition of Artifariti selected for his proposal.

After the production of her book “Dining in Refugee Camps: The Art of Saharawi Cooking” initiated a prolific list of art events and conferences.

Barceló, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Esther Ferrer, Gao Brothers, Santiago Sierra, Democracy, Gilles Fontolliet, Mohammad Shaqdih, Los Torreznos, Antoni Muntadas, Andreas Kaufmann, Alain Ayers, Daniel G. Andujar, Left Hand Rotation and Tom Hall expected to participate at the next edition of ARTifariti.

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev is an American writer, art historian and curator. She was appointed on 3 December 2008 as the artistic director of dOCUMENTA (13), which will take place in Kassel from June 9 to September 16, 2012. Previously, she was the director of the contemporary art museum Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Torino at Castello di Rivoli in Turin until 2009. In 2008, she headed the Sydney Biennale. (SPS)
