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Western Sahara: New York City bar Association confirms illegality of any plan excluding option of independence

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Washington  (United States)June12,2012(SPS) - New York City  Bar Association (NYCBA) has confirmed illegality of any plan excluding independence as an option in relation to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination. Limiting the choice to Morocco’s autonomy plan was not in line with the international law, it stressed.

The findings of the Bar Association of New York in a study published Monday and titled "legal issues relating to Western Sahara conflict."

In a 107-page report, the New York Bar meticulously traces the beginning of Western Sahara issue since it was colonized by Spain, then Morocco.

It underlined the process initiated by the UN for the settlement of the conflict between the Polisario Front and Morocco, and the legal aspect of the Saharawi question under the principles of international law.


The NYCBA stressed it had conducted the study "to give US policymakers some advice on the issue for the development of Washington’s policy with respect to the conflict" between the Polisario Front and Morocco.

The American Association encouraged the international community to take steps to resolve the Western Sahara dispute in the near future, indicating that “the longer it takes to resolve the sovereignty issue, the more complicated will be the task of implementing any solution reached.”(SPS)
