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Morocco uses civilian militias to "spread terror" among the Saharawi citizens, underlines Prime Minister

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February 27th School (Refugee Camps), June 19, 2012 (SPS) -Morocco has recently used  civilian militias to "spread terror" among the Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, said Monday the Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar.


In his speech an international conference on Saharawi  children's rights, Prime Minister  said that Morocco uses these militias because of criticism from international organizations for their flagrant violations of human rights in occupied Western Shara.


Prime Minister indicated that "the militias are driven by the Moroccan State to violate the rights of Saharawi civilians, raiding their homes and try to repress any peaceful protest to express their will."



 underlined that Morocco closes the occupied territories before international observers.


In this context, he emphasized that the withdrawal of confidence by Morocco's staff sent the Secretary General of the United Nations for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, is by trying to make this visit to occupied Western Sahara.


"Ross did not align to the Sahara side, but called for mediation and the application of UN rules to find the way to allow the Saharawi people to exercise their rights to self-determination," he added.


He said that "Morocco tries to dictate its terms to apply the autonomy plan which they  call for,  that is contrary to self-determination referendum affirmed by the UN."


"Ross continues in office as Secretary-General's Personal Envoy for Western Sahara," said Taleb Oamr, who noted that several countries like the United States have reiterated its confidence in Ross.


He, finally, regretted that the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) is the only UN mission that does not have a mechanism to monitor human rights in occupied Western Sahara, disrobing this situation as “wired”.
