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Spanish party asks Madrid to assume its historic responsibilities in Western Sahara

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Madrid, July 15, 2012 (SPS) - The Andalusian Party “AKOA” has asked Madrid to assume its historic responsibilities in contributing to the decolonization of Western Sahara, reiterating solidarity with the Saharawi people, in a decision concluded a meeting held Friday.

The Party stopped at the flagrant violations of human rights committed in occupied Western Sahara, and the humanitarian condition experienced by the Saharawi refugees, which based mainly on international cooperation and assistance.

AKOA called in the same regard on the Spanish state to play, as an administering power of the Territory according to international law, an effective role through adopting a direct diplomatic policy to settle the problem of decolonization, along with respecting peoples’ right to self-determination.

The Party considered the international legitimacy, represented in the Peace Plan issued of 1991, “only way to reaching a peaceful solution to the Saharawi cause.” (SPS)
