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Morocco’s intransigence makes eventual return to war more clearly than ever, confirms President Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Madrid, July 4, 2012 (SPS) - President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, said Friday that the latest actions of Rabat in “blocking the negotiations aiming for the referendum on self-determination, have made the factor of an eventual return to the war more clearly than ever,” in an interview with the Basque newspaper Gara.

The armed struggle is latent - said the President Mohamed Abdelaziz - It is on our agenda, never dismiss, and we can return at any time. The UN recognizes our right to take up arms to defend our land from Moroccan foreign invasion, adding “in this case the war would be a legitimate morally and legally.”

In response to a question from the newspaper on the negotiations between the parties, Saharawi President noted that at present the contacts between the parties are stuck “due to the intransigent position of Morocco, who decided to abandon any dealings with the UN Special Envoy on conflict resolution, adding that such intransigence “put the credibility of the United Nations and especially the Security Council at stake.”

Regarding the position of Moroccan government since recent executive elections, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz told the Basque newspaper “we have observed no change in the position of Morocco. Not a small change in regard to the referendum, or the subject of negotiations, or the human rights or in the case of theft of natural resources that our country suffers.”

With regard to position of the new government in France, the Saharawi President noted that France has supported Morocco from the beginning and that this position "have not yet to allow human rights in the Saharawi territories occupied to be supervised by the UN," adding that such position has also led to "many tensions in the region of North Africa and leads to worsening of the problems rather than their improvement," said Abdelaziz.

Concerning position of the new government in France, the Saharawi president hoped that the French Government to correct the mistakes it made so far as to follow a different path with regard to the conflict in Western Sahara, and also in regard to North Africa, Highlighting that they should respect the UN resolutions and comply with international law in Western Sahara. (SPS)
