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Western Sahara on agenda of UN Decolonization Committee

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New York, Oct 5, 2012 (SPS) - The UN Special Committee on Decolonization (also known as Fourth Committee or C-24) unanimously approved Thursday its work programme for the current session, which contains the question of the decolonization of Western Sahara, confirmed the United Nations.

The Committee would first consider a collection of items relating to decolonization of 16 non-self-governing territories and peoples, including Western Sahara, during a general debate from 8 to 15 October.

It will also consider other topics including the effects of atomic radiation, questions relating to the University of Peace, and the granting of independence to Non-Self-Governing Territories and peoples.

The Committee Chair, the Gabonese Nelson Messone, informed the Committee that he had received an aide-memoire (document 01/12) containing 73 requests for hearings related to the questions of Guam, Turks and Caicos, and Western Sahara, to be circulated in the room at the next meeting.

The Committee was expected to conclude its work by 15 November. (SPS)
