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Lesotho: history of Africa would not be complete, until SADR was free from colonial hegemony

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New York, Oct 13, 2012 (SPS) - “The history of Africa would not be complete, until the Saharawi Arab Republic was free from colonial hegemony,” stated Monday Mr. Mafiroane MOTANYANE, Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Lesotho to the United Nations, before the UN Special Committee on Decolonization.

Mr. Motanyane said that the dream to completely eradicate colonialism continued to elude the international community, regretting on the fact that not much progress had been made.

The Lesotho Counsellor underlined that the efforts by the United Nations to facilitate transition to independence and sovereignty “had not yielded positive results”, and the credibility of the United Nations, “the last hope for mankind”, continued to erode. (SPS)
