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French NGO calls on Hollande to address situation of Saharawi prisoners in Moroccan jails

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Paris  (France) January10,2013(SPS) - Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic’s Friends Association (AARASD) called on French President François Hollande to address the situation of 23 political prisoners in the Moroccan jail of Sale, and whose trial, postponed twice, is to be held on February 1.

In an open letter to French head of State, the president of the AARASD, Regine Villemont, called on President Hollande to "pay attention" to the situation of 23 prisoners in Morocco jails since more than two years.

She called the French president to exert pressure in favour of them at meetings during his forthcoming official visit to Morocco.

Villemont asked for the political prisoners to be tried at a civil court, which respects the law and the conventions signed by Morocco, and in the presence of observers.

She deemed it essential the presence of French representatives in Rabat, as observers, during the trial, adding that no French Embassy adviser was present at the various trials of Saharawi prisoners, which is contrary to French values consisting in respect of human rights.(SPS)
