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President of Republic likens trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners to apartheid regime

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Addis  Ababa (Ethiopia) January29,2013(SPS) - President of the  Saharawi Democratic Arab Republic (SADR), Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz told African Union (AU) heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa that the trial of Saharawi prisoners in the Gdeim Izik case was similar to apartheid in South Africa.

"Morocco violates the Charter and principles of our organization, which occupies part of the Republic, and built a military wall with a length of 2700 km which divides the Saharawi people, plundering natural resources of Western Sahara and violates human rights. "

The President regretted that “apartheid practices still occur this time in the occupied Western Sahara, where Morocco intends to present to 24 Saharawi political prisoners before a military tribunal."

“These illegal and unethical practices are unacceptable,”  President Abdelaziz said, adding that "there is no freedom, democracy, justice and peace in Africa and the world, while the Saharawi people is deprived of their legitimate rights." (SPS)
