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President of Republic expresses his "sincere condolences" to the Vice President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro following the death of Hugo Chavez

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Bir Lahlu (liberated territories) March 06, 2013 (SPS) President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front  Mohamed Abdelaziz, has expressed his "sincere condolences" to the people of Venezuela after the death of President Hugo Chavez occurred Tuesday in a hospital in Caracas .

"We have learned with deep regret the sad news about the irreparable loss of our brother, Commander Hugo Chavez," wrote the President in a letter to the vice-president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro.

"In this painful occasion, let me onbehalfof the Saharawi people and the Government of the SADR to convey to the people of Venezuela and especially the members of the familyof the deceased, our sincere sympathy and solidarity."

"In these sad and critical times we want to express our support for all Venezuelans," said President Mohamed Abdelaziz, adding that "Chavez's death is a great loss not only for the Saharawi people, but also for all human ideals of freedom and justice.”

The President said he is convinced that "the people of Venezuela will continue unabated in the footsteps of the late Hugo Chavez, for peace, social justice and progress." (SPS)
