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Over 20 tonnes of food aid to Saharawi refugees

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Shahid Alhafed (Saharawi Refugee Camps) April16,2013(SPS) - More than 20 tonnes of foreign humanitarian aid will be shipped in the coming months to the Saharawi refugee camps of Tindouf, President of Saharawi Red Crescent (CRS) Buhobeini Yahia has said.

The total food needs of the Saharawi refugee camps are estimated at more than 29 tonnes, and the programme covering those needs is valued at about USD35 million, the source said.

The shipping of the aid will start next May, especially from the United States, which is to ship more than seven million dollars.

Spain and Switzerland provided each the equivalent of three million dollars, Saudi Arabia USD425,000 dollars (mainly dates) and Cuba about USD325,000 dollars, Buhobeini Yahia Concluded.(SPS)

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