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Pro-self-determination demonstrations in occupied El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), May 5, 2013 (SPS) - The occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, witnessed Saturday evening numerous mass demonstrations calling for the right of Saharawi people to self-determination and the extension of MINURSO prerogatives to include the protection and monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara, according to a sources of the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.

In Matalaa quarter, hundreds of Saharawi demonstrators staged a peaceful protest, where they raised Saharawi flags and chanted a number of national slogans.

The protest was tightly besieged by different Moroccan repression and intelligence apparatus, in official and civil clothes.

Similar demonstrations also took place at the streets of Sidi Mohamed Daddach, Ras Al-Khaima and Al-Inaach. (SPS)
