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SADR President regrets for Rabat’s racial and chauvinistic practices against Saharawis

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 11, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has regretted for the “racial and chauvinistic” practices and methods persuaded by Moroccan state to incite Moroccans against their Saharawi brothers.

In a press conference held Saturday at the Presidency of the Republic in the presence of foreign press attending the commemoration of POLISARIO 40th anniversary, the Saharawi President said that Moroccan Kingdom aims through abhorrent racial and chauvinistic methods and flagrant fallacy to “inflame Moroccan street and flinging Moroccan people against his Saharawi neighbor and brother, as it did in the mid-seventies of the last century.”

He also regretted for the fact that MINURSO have yet to exercise its functions which are to organize a referendum in Western Sahara, since it does not monitor the protection of human rights in this Territory.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz underlined that Saharawi masses, who resist in a civilized and peaceful ways, have been pouring the streets of Saharawi occupied cities, including El Aaiun, Dakhla and Boujdour, these days to reflect their attachment to objectives of the POLISARIO Front in the aim to enjoy the legitimate rights to freedom and independence.

We praise, he pointed out, the role of the blessed Intifada (uprising) of Independence, broke out on May 2005, and heroic epics of Gdeim Izik camp, which provide an obvious evidence for Saharawi masses’ determination to move forward on the path of struggle and peaceful resistance, however Moroccan occupation authorities mastered the methods of suppression and brutal repression.

The President of the Republic called for opening the Saharawi occupied territories for international press, observers, human rights organizations and civil society representatives to be able to closely assess the gross violations of human rights committed by Moroccan occupation state in Western Sahara. (SPS)
