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POLISARIO applauds AU’s honoring of Saharawi figures and symbols (official)

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), June 3, 2013 (SPS) - The Frente Polisario has applauded African Union’s honoring of Saharawi figures and symbols, during the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), hosted by Ethiopian capital from 26 to 27 May 2013.

In a statement concluded a meeting on Sunday presided over by the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, Bureau of POLISARIO National Secretariat recorded with satisfaction the procedures of the OAU 50th Anniversary Celebrations and AU 21st Summit, highlighting to the entrenched status enjoyed by the Sahara state, founding member of the AU, on the level of African continent.

The statement praised the registration of the Martyr El-Ouali Mustapha Sayad and Mohamed Sid Brahim Basiri in AU list of the figures, who contributed and still contribute to the liberation of Africa from oppression and colonialism, applauding in the same regard the honoring of the Intifada of Independence through the hosting of Saharawi activist Ms. Aminatou Haidar.

On other hand, the Bureau called on the UN to bear its responsibilities in ensuring the security and safety of the defenseless Saharawi citizens before the campaigns of kidnapping, repression and destruction of livelihoods being carried out by Moroccan occupation state, stressing the need to speed up the release of Gdeim Izik detainees and all the Saharawi political prisoners, as to establish a UN mechanism enabling the MINURSO to protect, monitor and report about human rights in Western Sahara.

With regard to the developments in the region, the statement emphasized that Moroccan state of occupation contributes to create “the atmosphere of tension and instability” through its military occupation of Western Sahara, and also for the fact that it is the first producer and exporter of cannabis drugs as well as its role in promoting and forming organized crime gangs and terrorist groups.

It, therefore, hailed the resistance of Saharawi masses in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. (SPS)
