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South Africa reiterates solidarity with Saharawi people

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Algiers, Oct 7, 2013 (SPS) - A meeting of solidarity with the Saharawi people was held Sunday in Algiers by the Embassy of South Africa to once again denounce the violations of human rights in the Saharawi territories and support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of South Africa in Algiers Mr. Joseph Kotane , Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR ) Mr. Brahim Ghali , President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi people ( CNASPS ) Mr. Mahrez Lamari and representatives of Algeria’s civil society.

Participants on this meeting praised the “constant” position of Algeria towards SADR, strongly denouncing the colonial policy, repression and other violations exercised by Morocco against Saharawi civilians.

In his speech, Mr. Kotane noted that the meeting is a “tribute” to the ongoing struggle of the Saharawi people to regain its independence, adding that it is an opportunity to highlight the importance of international support to just causes and mobilization of civil society to resolve conflicts.

“The South African people have been fighting against apartheid. They have been supported internationally in this fight. The question of Western Sahara should be supported. The international community must show solidarity with the Saharawi people and give them all what is important to finally be free and independent,” he said.

For his part, Mr. Brahim Ghali said that the victory of the South African people against apartheid was “a victory for all African peoples,” before hailing the Saharawi people for their strength and sacrifices to defend their rights to self-determination and freedom.

“The countless attacks in Morocco against the Saharawi people and repressive practices against them have never affected their struggle and strong desire to move forward towards independence,” noted Mr. Ghali .

For his part, Mr. Mahrez Lamari reiterated its call to the United Nations (UN) to protect the rights of the Saharawi people and to end the “colonial way of thinking” in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

A 20-minute documentary film produced by young South Africans to express their solidarity with the Saharawi people country , was screened at this meeting which saw the participation of researchers in history and Saharawi Jurists who addressed developments of the question of Western Sahara. (SPS)
