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President of Republic: Mohamed VI’s speech denotes Moroccan injustice against Saharawis

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Algiers, Nov 8, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, said Thursday that the content of the Moroccan king Mohamed VI’s speech, delivered on Wednesday, denotes “the blind obstinacy and the Moroccan injustice done to the Sahrawi people.”

“This speech denotes the blind obstinacy and flagrant injustice of a tyrannical colonial ruler, a fact that should challenge the international community on the need to impose economic sanctions on Morocco, as was the case for the apartheid regime in South Africa, in order to consecrate democracy,” said Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, in an interview with the Algerian Radio’s Channel I.

“We condemn the speech of the Moroccan king and call on the international community to exert pressure on Morocco to organize a free referendum in Western Sahara in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions,” he added.

Secretary General of the Polisario Front noted that the King Mohammed VI tries to hide his practices in the field of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, highlighting that the Moroccan violations against the Sahrawi population are documented by reports of international human rights organizations and some European countries.

Recalling that the Moroccan regime is working to mobilize the Moroccan people to contribute to the government attack on the Saharawis, President of the Republic said that the Moroccan people “began to realize the real situation of the population of the occupied Western Sahara and the human rights abuses in these territories.”

The President said that prevention of international organizations access in the occupied territories of Western Sahara by Morocco, is another violation of human rights by Morocco and its rejection of the proposal to assign the MINURSO with the human rights file.

With regard to the negotiations between the EU and Morocco on fisheries agreement , President Mohamed Abdelaziz called on the European Parliament to “exclude the Saharawi territorial waters from this agreement, since it contradicts international law, because such agreements allows Morocco to plunder the wealth the Saharawi people.”

The President, on other hand, argued that Morocco “has raised 35 billion dollars from the revenues of cannabis, which are used to support criminal organizations, a thing poses a threat to the Western Sahara and for the whole region, expressing Polisario Front’s readiness to face this policy and to surrender the criminal gangs.

Whenever internal crises of the Moroccan regime escalated, Morocco tries to export it to its neighbouring countries, adding that whenever the noose tightens on Morocco because of the issue of human rights in Western Sahara, the Moroccan system tries to hide the truth though attacking its neighbours. (SPS)
