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Morocco uses diplomatic agitation against Algeria to hide its practices in Western Sahara, says Frank Ruddy

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Washington, Nov 18, 2013 (SPS) - "Morocco is using the diplomatic agitation against Algeria as a pretext aiming at drawing attention of the international community from its practices against Western Sahara people and the its human rights abuses in the occupied territories," MINURO’s Former Deputy-Chairman, Frank Ruddy, said Monday.

In an interview with APS, Mr. Ruddy explained that Morocco "justifies its practices against the people of Western Sahara using untenable pretexts aiming at drawing attention of the international community from its practices against Western Sahara people and human rights abuses in the occupied territories."


He, also, added that "all conditions for the organization of a self-determination referendum of the people of Western Sahara have been met," explaining that "the urge is in organizing this referendum, because it’s the only solution and its organization will define the status of Western Sahara (independence, attachment to Morocco or large autonomy)."

Regarding the question to know whether the United States defines their assistance to countries on the basis of respect to human rights, this former US Ambassador indicated: "I don’t think we insist on this requirement."

"I do hope that this attitude, currently, disclosed by the United States will change, and take into account the human rights to accompany their foreign policy decisions," the author of the book entitled "International Law and Western Sahara" explained.

Evoking the Morocco’s King Mohamed VI visit to the United States, where he’ll discuss with US president Barack Obama, and the place to be reserved for the issue of Western Sahara, the retired Ambassador argued that "this issue will not be discussed".

"I doubt that president Obama will grant interest to the issue of Western Sahara during his meeting with Mohamed VI, as president Obama is experiencing delicate situation because he didn’t tell the truth to his people on his health reform, called ’Obamacare’," he added. (SPS)
